7 ways to stay accountable to (and actually achieve) your goals

It can be so tough to stay motivated and focused on our goals, especially when they seem so out of reach or we don't have anyone holding us accountable. In this week's article, let's explore seven ways that you can stay accountable to your goals and actually achieve meaningful success.

1. Figure out how you can stay accountable - to yourself… or others?

I’m going to let you into a little secret - you’re going to start being kinder to yourself the moment you accept that we are not all created the same! Some people are just better than others at keeping themselves accountable.

In fact, there’s a great little quiz by Gretchen Ruben that can help identify how you best work. 

Go to https://gretchenrubin.com/take-the-quiz and take the Four Tendencies test to find out which of the four “types” you are, because this will give you amazing insight into the best way YOU can find it easier to stay accountable.

For the record – there are no right or wrong results here – it’s purely about understanding yourself and your natural tendencies at a deeper level, and the report you receive will give you loads of detail.

As just one example - If you come out as an Obliger (which many of my coachees are) then you might benefit from having an accountability buddy - keep reading for more on that!

2. Find an accountability buddy

An accountability buddy is someone who you check in with on a regular basis to keep each other accountable to your goals. This could be a friend, family member, or another business owner.

You can set up regular check-ins, or even just send each other quick texts or emails to update each other on your progress. Having someone to hold you accountable can be a great way to stay on track!

3. Try co-working - online or in-person 

Committing to work with someone else or in a new location in real-time can be hugely motivating. There is something quite powerful about co-working online that helps to keep you focussed on your goals (with fewer trips to the biscuit tin!)

During lockdown, I spent a LOT of time doing virtual co-working sessions with FocusMate. They run sessions 24/7 and pair you with other productive people from around the world on a one-to-one basis. You can attend up to three sessions per week for free too. Find out more here.

4. Tell others about your goals

Telling someone else about your goals can help you stay on track. First, it can be a great motivator to actually follow through with your goals if you know that someone is expecting updates from you.

Second, it can help to keep you accountable because you don't want to let the other person down.

Finally, it can give you a support system to help you achieve your goals. 

Side note: I’ve done exactly this with the 2022 London Marathon - I started telling people about it and asking for sponsorship six months before the actual race day. 

5. Keep a goal diary/journal

Keeping a goal diary/journal is a great way to track your progress and stay accountable to your goals. 

You can write down what your goals are, and then keep track of your progress over time. This can help you to see how far you've come and also help you to identify any areas where you may be struggling. 

You’ll hear me talk a lot about the gap and the gain - a concept created by Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach. The gap is where we are right now in business versus where we want to be. The distance in the gap can often feel overwhelming and it can become hard to maintain momentum and focus if we spend too much time future-tripping.

The gain is taking where you are in business right now and looking to when you first started. It’s gifting yourself the time and space to reflect and appreciate all of the things you do now with ease and grace that you would have found difficult at the beginning. 

I recently found my goals list from 2016 - honestly, I welled up at the thought of how much I’ve grown both professionally and personally since that time (the gain). So even though I’m nowhere near where I ultimately want to be (the gap), I don’t spend too much mental time there.

6. Set reminders

Having regular reminders can help to keep you accountable and ensure that you don't forget about your goals. You could set alarms on your phone, events in your calendar, or just write everything on your to-do list (whether digital or on paper) so you can tick them off.

7. Celebrate accomplishments

You know, I really do think that “celebrating successes” is misunderstood. We think that we have to “treat ourselves” to a massage, a weekend away or a bottle of champers in order to celebrate. But spending money like that isn’t always realistic. 

So when I talk about celebrating accomplishments, for me it’s more about taking a mindful moment to recognise the progress so far. It’s not loud. It’s not big. It’s a moment of quiet reflection to give myself a little pat on the back.


These seven tips are a great starting point, but they’re not the only way to stay accountable. What works for one person might not work for another. The important thing is to find what works for you and stick with it! Are there any techniques that you use to stay accountable to your goals? Let us know in the comments below!

Are you setting goals that are right for you?

We can often fall into the trap of setting goals that we view as successful because ‘that’s what everyone else is doing’. But you have your own unique life and circumstances. I believe that marrying up success and goals go hand in hand and I find it’s the bottleneck in business that a lot of my clients didn’t even realise they had. But once they clear that bottleneck the magic really starts to happen.

Here’s a thought for you - you may even be more successful than you give yourself credit for!

👉 Register for my latest free masterclass: what is success (and are you closer than you think)? Because I have a funny feeling you might be surprised by what you discover about yourself in around 30 minutes.

Ready to explore coaching?

If you’re curious about what coaching could help you achieve, why not book a discovery chat with me to see if it’s right for you? No pressure, commitment or obligation. Just a conversation about where you are versus where you want to be and how we can bridge that gap.


The Small Business Owner's Guide to Reducing Stress and Overwhelm


4-step process to create meaningful goals that will ensure business success - whatever the outcome